Type Conversion Functions
- int2bin INT2BIN Convert Integer Arrays to Binary
- bin2int BIN2INT Convert Binary Arrays to Integer
- logical LOGICAL Convert to Logical
- string STRING Convert Array to String
- uint8 UINT8 Convert to Unsigned 8-bit Integer
- uint16 UINT16 Convert to Unsigned 16-bit Integer
- uint32 UINT32 Convert to Unsigned 32-bit Integer
- uint64 UINT64 Convert to Unsigned 64-bit Integer
- int8 INT8 Convert to Signed 8-bit Integer
- int16 INT16 Convert to Signed 16-bit Integer
- int32 INT32 Convert to Signed 32-bit Integer
- int64 INT64 Convert to Signed 64-bit Integer
- single SINGLE Convert to 32-bit Floating Point
- float FLOAT Convert to 32-bit Floating Point
- double DOUBLE Convert to 64-bit Floating Point
- complex COMPLEX Create a Complex Number
- dcomplex DCOMPLEX Convert to Double Precision (deprecated)
- cast CAST Typecast Variable to Specified Type
- char CHAR Convert to character array or string
- bin2dec BIN2DEC Convert Binary String to Decimal
- dec2bin DEC2BIN Convert Decimal to Binary String