SPRINTF Formated String Output Function (C-Style)

Section: Input/Ouput Functions


Prints values to a string. The general syntax for its use is
  y = sprintf(format,a1,a2,...).

Here format is the format string, which is a string that controls the format of the output. The values of the variables a_i are substituted into the output as required. It is an error if there are not enough variables to satisfy the format string. Note that this sprintf command is not vectorized! Each variable must be a scalar. The returned value y contains the string that would normally have been printed. For more details on the format string, see printf.


Here is an example of a loop that generates a sequence of files based on a template name, and stores them in a cell array.
--> l = {}; for i = 1:5; s = sprintf('file_%d.dat',i); l(i) = {s}; end;
--> l

ans = 
 [file_1.dat] [file_2.dat] [file_3.dat] [file_4.dat] [file_5.dat]