SWITCH Switch statement
Section: Flow Control
statement is used to selective execute code
based on the value of either scalar value or a string.
The general syntax for a switch
statement is
switch(expression) case test_expression_1 statements case test_expression_2 statements otherwise statements end
The otherwise
clause is optional. Note that each test
expression can either be a scalar value, a string to test
against (if the switch expression is a string), or a
of expressions to test against. Note that
unlike C
statements, the FreeMat switch
does not have fall-through, meaning that the statements
associated with the first matching case are executed, and
then the switch
ends. Also, if the switch
matches multiple case
expressions, only the first one
is executed.
Here is an example of aswitch
expression that tests
against a string input:
switch_test.m function c = switch_test(a) switch(a) case {'lima beans','root beer'} c = 'food'; case {'red','green','blue'} c = 'color'; otherwise c = 'not sure'; end
Now we exercise the switch statements
--> switch_test('root beer') ans = food --> switch_test('red') ans = color --> switch_test('carpet') ans = not sure