CELL Cell Array of Empty Matrices

Section: Array Generation and Manipulations


Creates a cell array of empty matrix entres. Two seperate syntaxes are possible. The first syntax specifies the array dimensions as a sequence of scalar dimensions:
   y = cell(d1,d2,...,dn).

The resulting array has the given dimensions, and is filled with all zeros. The type of y is cell, a cell array. The second syntax specifies the array dimensions as a vector, where each element in the vector specifies a dimension length:

   y = cell([d1,d2,...,dn]).

This syntax is more convenient for calling zeros using a variable for the argument. In both cases, specifying only one dimension results in a square matrix output.


The following examples demonstrate generation of some zero arrays using the first form.
--> cell(2,3,2)

ans = 

(:,:,1) = 
 [] [] [] 
 [] [] [] 

(:,:,2) = 
 [] [] [] 
 [] [] [] 

--> cell(1,3)

ans = 
 [] [] [] 

The same expressions, using the second form.

--> cell([2,6])

ans = 
 [] [] [] [] [] [] 
 [] [] [] [] [] [] 

--> cell([1,3])

ans = 
 [] [] []